The Sabian Symbol pertaining to the zodiacal degree highlighted by the Gemini New Moon states:
“Holly and mistletoe reawaken old memories of Christmas. Keynote: A longing for the preintellectual state of consciousness – Return to the source.”
(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases”, Pages 91-92)
Amidst the sensational triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius will the Gemini New Moon take place, bringing the notion of duality to a new height. Our society’s overemphasis on quantity has triggered a process of equilibrating by qualitative factors to counterbalance the emptiness within and the wastefulness without, which is supposed to fill the void created by our dissociation from the cosmos, whereby we incured the split of body and mind. With the advent of industrialization, which gave rise to our current Age of Technology, the outer world has outpaced our inner clocks, thereby disconnecting us from the rhythms and cycles in time and space. Recently, as the structures of our society have begun to crumble and to break apart, the pressure of these harsh realities has awakened an increasing number of the populace from their mind-numbing state, defining of our drug culture, as well as their addiction to consumerism and fear. Knowing that humanity can’t continue in this way, most of us have been embracing change and turned back to a simpler lifestyle, revering the things and rituals that are truly enriching for our Beingness. Thus, symbols that once ensouled our hearts and minds are undergoing revival, resuming their intented meaning and purpose in order to bind us together in the spirit of community, which could ultimately lead to the proposed ‘brotherhood of nations’, proclaiming the Age of Aquarius.
The seed has been planted for the elevation of group consciousness and for every individual to aspire toward higher ethics, while at the same time rediscovering deeper values. In the lunation chart Mercury Rx in Taurus, Pallas in Cancer and Mars in Aries are engaged in a lesser asymmetrial triangle that shows our will struggling with habitual thinking patterns we seem to follow too easily, because we’ve become so accustomed to this way of thinking that it almost feels natural to take this approach. Venus in Aries’ aspects to Juno in Pisces and Vesta in Gemini urge us toward awareness of this dynamic that also underlies our principle of relating and encourage mental flexibility, but also remind us to remain determined in our overall demeanor. From May 26th to the 28th will Mars and Pallas contact the triple conjunction in Aquarius that is linked by semi-sextile to Uranus in Pisces with sextiles and quincunxes, respectively, in addition to the semi-sextile and trine they will form with Uranus.
Suggested by this symbolical picture is that we’ll be provided with the opportunity for reorientation as it could become clearer how we derive at our conclusions and which judgments guide our personal opinion during the process. Once we realize the subjective coloring of our perception that is assisted by our imagination and for some also by a negative outlook, we might feel inspired to get to the root of certain preconceptions we hold for the reformation of mental constructs, which might have kept us fixated on projective or speculative outcomes. Jupiter’s perfecting conjunction with Neptune could add dimensionality to our viewpoint in this context, for better or for worse, and has the potential to expand our mental horizon into as yet undiscovered territory.
Therefore, to see another side of an issue could be supportive as well as conducive for our Self-improvement as we could feel compelled to look at our role in the scheme of things under the light of incoming messages or insights, indicated by the Sun in Gemini’s square to Ceres in Virgo and semi-square to Eris in Aries. Venus will form a conjunction with Eris and a sesqui-quadrate with Ceres on the next day, May 28th, while the latter will cast another sesqui-quadrate to Eris. Consequently, thorough Self-evaluation might be triggered to enlighten us about our preconditioning and prefered approaches. Emotional stress could lead to a carthasis, which ideally will uplift us and result in release and relief.
Prior to the First Quarter Moon on May 30th will Neptune and Chiron turn retrograde, whereas Mercury will resume direct motion, setting up the stage for a shift on the mental level that is informed by these latest revelations, whereby the retrograde energies will instigate an inward processing of developing events to facilitate healing and transcendence. Mercury’s station, preceding the waxing square between the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Gemini, will concentrate the mental energy for us to recognize the multiplicity of creation, from which contradictions arise, and assure us of our ability to overcome them with mental discipline, because our mind is shaping our reality. This “crisis in action” could be a test of our objectivity, demanding from us to consciously select our words.
Mars’ ingress into Taurus and subsequent sesqui-quadrate to Saturn in Virgo on May 31st supports the sustainment of our intentions in this regard, demanding control of our impulses and calling for patience to ensure a smooth proceeding that would be guaranteed by Vesta in Gemini’s sextile to Eris in Aries, if we apply mindfulness. On June 2nd will Venus in Aries sextile the triple conjunction in Aquarius plus semi-sextile Uranus in Pisces, providing us with an occasion when we could be the recipients of appreciation and feel validated due to an exciting turn of events. Pallas’ Leo ingress on the 3rd will begin a phase of self-centered strategies and mental creativity. A trine from Mars in Taurus to Pluto Rx in Capricorn together with a semi-square from Pallas in Leo to Saturn in Virgo on the 4th marks the completion of an endeavor that could ready us for other tasks if we concentrate on personal accomplishments. However, the Sun in Gemini and Venus, succeeding her Taurus ingress, will also cast hard aspects to Saturn over the next couple of days, which could represent a tough challenge to our authority, instructing us to stand our ground and to exert an effort toward a satisfying solution, while coming up with concrete steps that also cover the minor details and keep things simple. As we have a chance to build up our Self-esteem when Venus traverses her sign Taurus, we should focus on our Self-interests first and foremost in the process of making a decision, implied by the semi-square between Pallas and the Sun at the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 7th, connoting a confrontation with our personal truth.
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